The interviews and articles included here were conducted between 1990 and 2005 by various writers for a variety of publications. Please see individual texts for credits.
I've chosen to focus on obscure and out-of-print material and so have omitted the excellent 1995 interview with David Aaron Clark which is reprinted in my art book Lumenagerie (for more information, go to Books/Graphic Novels section). I've also left out "Of Sex and Servitude" another DAC text that accompanied a portfolio of my artwork in the first issue of Juxtapoz: Erotica in 1997 which sold out before reaching the newsstands. It was a nicely-written piece but less rewarding when removed from the context of the artwork. Sorry David.
For those of you who might conceivably read everything in this section: I apologize for the repetition of certain information. I'm often asked the same questions by different writers and while I try to introduce fresh perspectives with each interview, redundancy is somewhat inevitable.
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